Grace & Truth Co-Op

Classical Christian Education

Pretoria Campus

The following provides an overview of the 2025 Academic Year curriculum for the Pretoria Campus.


The above information is also available in a downloadable PDF page.


The above information is also available in a downloadable PDF page.


Each family is responsible to source their own books for each class. Grace and Truth Online provides book rental packages for some classes. These digital books remain the property of GTO but future students in the same family may rent the same Kindle account for free. Some of our books are available locally some need to be imported from America.

**TOG Booklists are available on the Loom after you have purchased TOG Spools for that Level, or you can search the TOG Amazon Store.  In the search bar you can type Y2 D for Year 2 Lower Grammar and you will see the collections.

A = Alternate  /  P = Primary (in importance).


The above information is also available in a downloadable PDF page.


Discounts for Volunteers and Facilitators

Talk to Michelle Viljoen about teaching or volunteer positions available to reduce your fees.


Each family is responsible to source their own books for each class. Grace and Truth Online provides book rental packages for some classes. These digital books remain the property of GTO but future students in the same family may rent the same Kindle account for free. Some of our books are available locally some need to be imported from America.

**TOG Booklists are available on the Loom after you have purchased TOG Spools for that Level, or you can search the TOG Amazon Store.  In the search bar you can type Y2 UG for Year 2 Upper Grammar and you will see the collections.

A = Alternate  /  P = Primary (in importance).


The above information is also available in a downloadable PDF page.


Discounts for Volunteers and Facilitators

Talk to Michelle Viljoen about teaching or volunteer positions available to reduce your fees.


Each family is responsible to source their own books for each class. Grace and Truth Online provides book rental packages for some classes. These digital books remain the property of GTO but future students in the same family may rent the same Kindle account for free. Some of our books are available locally some need to be imported from America.

**TOG Booklists are available on the Loom after you have purchased TOG Spools for that Level, or you can search the TOG Amazon Store.  In the search bar you can type Y2 D for Year 2 Dialectic and you will see the collections.

A = Alternate  /  P = Primary (in importance).


The above information is also available in a downloadable PDF page.


Discounts for Volunteers and Facilitators

Talk to Michelle Viljoen about teaching or volunteer positions available to reduce your fees.


Each family is responsible to source their own books for each class. Grace and Truth Online provides book rental packages for some classes. These digital books remain the property of GTO but future students in the same family may rent the same Kindle account for free. Some of our books are available locally some need to be imported from America.

**TOG Booklists are available on the Loom after you have purchased TOG Spools for that Level, or you can search the TOG Amazon Store.  In the search bar you can type Y2 D for Year 2 Dialectic and you will see the collections.

A = Alternate  /  P = Primary (in importance).


The above information is also available in a downloadable PDF page.


Discounts for Volunteers and Facilitators

Talk to Michelle Viljoen about teaching or volunteer positions available to reduce your fees.


Each family is responsible to source their own books for each class. Grace and Truth Online provides book rental packages for some classes. These digital books remain the property of GTO but future students in the same family may rent the same Kindle account for free. Some of our books are available locally some need to be imported from America.


The above information is also available in a downloadable PDF page.

Please note:

  • Administration fee of R 1 000 per family (R600 until 1 November 2024)
  • Optional (highly recommended for grade 9-12): Home Life Academy Registration R4150 (estimate)
  • Optional but recommended: Pestalozzi Trust Annual Family Registration R1200
  • Once your application for Family Enrolment has been approved, you will receive an Approval notification from the Administration.
  • Thereafter you will be able to register for classes.

Please do not purchase books or curriculum until the class has been confirmed and until your child has been successfully enrolled in the selected class.

  • Annual Co-op Tuition Fee(s) can be paid in 10 Monthly Instalments
  • Tuition Fees excludes curriculum costs (textbooks, etc.)


Each family is responsible to source their own books for each class. Grace and Truth Online provides book rental packages for some classes. These digital books remain the property of GTO. Some of our books are available locally and some need to be imported from America.


The above information is also available in a downloadable PDF page.


The above information is also available in a downloadable PDF page.

The following provides an overview of the 2025 Course Descriptions for the Pretoria Campus.

Inductive Study 2025

2 Timothy 3:16-17 says “All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; 17 so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work”

At Grace and Truth Pretoria, we study many marvelous books, but give the biggest time and attention to the greatest Book of all…

Welcome to the Grace & Truth Inductive Study Class. This class is compulsory for anyone who registers at Grace & Truth from Grade 7/8 and up.

For this class at co-op, we will have a small group time, and a Chapel teaching time, taught by a Pastor or other Elder qualified man. This teaching will be based on the chapters the student studied through the week and is meant to take them deeper and make sure the correct interpretation of the Scripture is adhered to.

We aim to study through the bible every three years, and during year four, do a bible overview focusing on the great Redemption story of the Bible.

We also aim to work through the Antioch bible church Catechism. For more info on this catechism, please refer to

Because we are a Classical Christian co-op, we require active participation from each student in this course on one of two different levels. We offer an Inductive Core, and Inductive Honors track. Their participation will be graded based on the track they have chosen.

Below is a description of each track. The courses will be issued on Canvas, and sent as a separate link, depending on which track the students enroll in. Please read each track thoroughly, as the requirements of the course will be adhered to in small group time. Unfortunately, due to administrative and time constraints, we are unable to ‘tailor make’ the course to each specific student.

Track 1, Inductive Core:

This is the essential commitment we require from every student enrolled in Grace & Truth PTA from Grade 7 and older. Even though we feel that the Catechism is essential for Christian growth and beneficial for all of life and godliness, we also recognize that in certain seasons this could be challenging. Therefore, we offer this class for those who will NOT take Theology as a credit for Homelife Academy.

The points awarded in small group time would therefore look like this:

  • 1pt Arriving on time.
  • 3pts Reading through the assigned chapters.
  • 3pts Marking the chapters with every reference to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  • 4pts Journaling at least a prayer a day for 4 days that week.
  • 4pts Points for reading through the catechism at home and discussing it with a parent or small group leader.
  • 3pts Bonus points Memorizing Verse in Catechism

There will also be a special prize for the students earning 100% on their assignments for the year.

Track 2, Inductive Honors:

This course is taken as a Theology credit for Homelife Academy. To earn this credit as an elective, students need to prove 150 hours of work. To ensure that we can vouch for the work done, Grace and Truth’s requirements for this course are:

  • 1pt Arriving on time.
  • 3pts Marking Bible for weekly readings, using the inductive study checklist in the Inductive Study Bible.
  • 4pts Journaling at least a prayer a day for 4 days that week.
  • 3pts Chapter headings up to date.
  • 4pts Memorizing the Catechism Answer.
  • 3pts Bonus for Memorizing Supporting Verse.

For this class, catechism memorization would be required. Students also can earn bonus- points, since there are 18 points available, but the assignment only counts out of 15.

For any students who earn 100% for the year, there will be a special prize at the end of the year if they get 100% for this course.


Memory Class 2025

Welcome to Claritas Memory Class! 4 cycles have been written, that is covered over the period of 4 years. Each cycle consists of 28 weeks of material and contains memory work that covers the following subjects: Scripture, History, English, Latin, Math, Science, Geography, Hymn and a Timeline. Each fact is set to an engaging tune to aid the kids in learning and memorizing the information remarkably fast.

This course is recommended for kids of the grammar age, who will at first just learn a list of words and facts. Then, comprehension of the meaning of these facts and finally application of the facts which should bring joy and a sense of accomplishment.

The Claritas Cycle 2 Memory Work Guide will take your family from the Dark Ages through the Early Explorers in 28 weeks.

History Weekly Question and Answer: Middle Ages. Diocletian to Early Explorers. 

Math: Skip counting 1-12, 15, 25; squares and cubes; order of operations; common fractions as decimals; prime numbers; Roman numerals; conversions; percent; commutative, associative, identity and distributive properties; prefixes for the Metric system; dividing fractions; Pythagorean Theorem; absolute value; place value names; ratio and proportion; averages.

Science: Astronomy and Earth Science. Includes: galaxies, stars, and constellations; sun, moon, and planets; Galileo; Copernicus; parts of the earth and atmosphere; natural cycles; biomes; clouds; parts of the ocean.

Latin: 1st and 2nd conjugations; The Apostle’s Creed; 3rd declension nouns.

English Grammar: Parts of speech; noun and pronoun; adjective and articles; verb and adverb; conjunction and interjection; prepositions; parts of a sentence; sentence patterns; phrases and clauses; helping and linking verbs; verb properties.

Advanced English Grammar: All about verbs.

Scripture: Psalm 34; The Apostle’s Creed; Selection from the New Testament.

Geography: Continents and oceans; seas of the world; Asia, Africa, and Australia (countries & features); highest peaks.

Hymns: ”Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”; “A Mighty Fortress is Our God”; “Joy to the World”; “All Creatures of my God and King”; “To God Be the Glory”; “Crown Him with Many Crowns”; “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”; “The Doxology”.

Timeline: Creation through September 11, 2001. U.S. Presidents.  

Omnibus III 2025

Reformation to the Present by Veritas Press

Omnibus is a Great Books curriculum for grades 7–12 that teaches students the lessons from the past in order to live in the present. In Latin, Omnibus means “all-encompassing.” The Omnibus curriculum from Veritas Press is designed to help enlighten, train, and develop young minds through the study of everything important, long-lasting, and true: the ideas, arguments and expression of the Western Canon as expressed in the Great Books.

In Omnibus III we will cover the period of history from the Reformation of the 16th and 17th Century to the Present. Primary books for the year include, The Pilgrim’s Progress, A Tale of Two Cities and Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Secondary readings include titles like, Foxe’s Book of Martyrs, Frankenstein, Pride and Prejudice and Gulliver’s Travels.

Omnibus is designed to prompt discussions from the Great Books in accordance with a Biblical Worldview, while comparing and contrasting the cultural views of today. Students must be equipped for doing what Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:5 We are destroying arguments and all arrogance raised against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Omnibus provides students an opportunity to meet with these thoughts and to exercise Biblical Thinking.

Omnibus III Core: Dialectic Level; 23 Books & Documents; 1 Honors English Credit, 1 History Credit, 1 Bible Credit

Omnibus III Honors: Dialectic Level; 20 Books & Documents; 1 Honors English Credit, 1 Honors History Credit, 1 Bible Credit

Student Preparation: Students have assigned sessions for each week, and must prepare by reading the assigned sections in their books and preparing for the discussion questions in class. It is helpful to read through the discussion questions before reading the assigned section, so that students can focus on the themes we aim to draw out in the class discussion.

Assessments: Students are assessed on a continual basis for preparation and participation in class discussions. There are also a number of writing exercises throughout the year along with opportunities for debate and public speaking in class. Students will also write two midterm exams and two semester final exams.


TOG Year 2 Dialectic History & Geography 2025

Tapestry of Grace is a Christian classical humanities curriculum that includes Charlotte Mason elements and a mixture of modalities (visual, kinesthetic, and auditory) to engage all different kinds of learners. This K-12 program includes student and teacher materials for the core courses of History and English (including Writing and Literature). It also offers elective studies (at age-appropriate levels) in Geography, Fine Arts, Church History, Government, and Philosophy. All subjects are integrated around a chronological study of history.

The name of the curriculum comes from the imagery of weaving a Tapestry. As founding author Marcia Somerville described it,” All of us are in history; we are all making it in this moment. History is God’s story of our lives, and the lives of many other people, all of whom He has created and called by name over the centuries for His own purposes, to give Him glory. He is the designer of a beautiful tapestry: time is the loom, creation is the warp, and human experiences are the threads. Each of us has a section of the tapestry to weave, and none of us sees the finished project here on Earth. We work from the back of the tapestry, according to a cartoon (an outline drawing, designed by the Master Weaver, that dictates our pattern) and without seeing the front, or finished side. We all choose our cartoon, our pattern. For all biblical Christians, that pattern is seen in God’s Word and Jesus’ life. God promises Christians that they are weaving a tapestry of grace and glory according to His will.”

This year, we will be doing Tapestry of Grace’s Year Two, which will take us from the Fall of Rome in 476 A.D. up to the year 1800 A.D. in four units of nine weeks on average.

In Unit 1, we will study the Middle Ages, from the twilight of the Roman Empire to the early lights of the Reformation.

In Unit 2, we will study the Renaissance and Reformation, by looking at topics like the Spanish, French, American, Dutch, and German reformers in a historical context.

In Unit 3, we will study the discovery of the Western Hemisphere and the early history of America, colonization, the Puritans and so forth.

In Unit 4, we will see how the American Colonies became the United States of America, in the context of what was happening in the rest of the world.

In this class we will study a historical textbook compiled from many great books, with the option of further enrichment through books made available on Kindle from Grace & Truth.

Student Preparation: Students should expect to spend 4 hours a week reading and preparing for Socratic class discussion by answering Accountability Questions. They will also be required to record events on a Master Timeline and do map work. They will find the answers to all of the History Accountability Questions in the Warp Reader.

If they would prefer less of a textbook approach and want the Honors Credit for History, they can do all of the assigned reading from the TOG Dialectic History and Worldview Book Lists each week (many of the titles are available on our kindle rental or Open Library). They can also use the books from this list to supplement the Warp Reader which is the spine. The use of the wider booklist will enable them to answer not just the Accountability Questions but also all of the Thinking Questions (about 15 questions per week).

Course Credit: One Credit for Core or Honours level.

Required Textbooks Needed:

– TOG Year 2 Full Rack Student Spool

– Warp Reader

– Year 2 Dialectic Evaluations (Student Editions)

Additional Resources: If you are doing the Honours Credit, you also need all the books on the ToG Y2 Dialectic Primary History. The booklist is available in the Amazon ToG Shop or from ToG after purchase of your Spools. Many of these books are available in our Kindle rental account. If you do the Kindle rental you will have fewer books to source.

Assessments: Four exams per annum, and continual assessments of weekly assignments and class participation.


TOG Year 2 Dialectic Worldview & Literature 2025

In the Worldview and Literature class students are encouraged to develop a love of reading, while they are taught to view the world through a Biblical lens. The books we read will be the catalyst for Biblical Worldview discussions.

This class is part of our Tapestry of Grace High School program and builds on the History and Geography class. In the first hour, the students are studying world history in the years 476 AD to 1800 AD. This class will be taught in the second hour, with a specific focus on Worldview analysis, which consists of church history studies and literature.

The main textbook will be “The Church in History” by BK Kuiper to anchor us in the history of the church, while the Literature books will serve to prompt our worldview discussions. The class will be led through Socratic discussions. Students will read, study and discuss the various components of literature books set in the medieval period up to the Enlightenment period.

Full List of Literature Books:

1. Beowulf by H.E. Marshall *

2. Men of Iron by Howard Pyle*

3. By Right of Conquest by G.A Henty*

4. Hamlet (No Fear Shakespeare) by Neil Barb*

5. Almost Home by Wendy Lawton*

6. Dangerous Journey by Oliver Hunkin*

7. Hammer of the Huguenots by Douglas Bond

8. Robinson Crusoe adapted by Bob Blaisdell*

9. Early Thunder by Jean Frits*

*Refer to TOG booklist for ISBN number and edition

These books transport us back to an intriguing and exciting time and place, way before any of us were born. By analysing the characters and events in line with Scripture, the students are taught discernment for real-life situations. We must always remember the importance of measuring and comparing every truth claim to what God says in His Word. The Bible, carefully read and studied, will equip us to think critically and to analyze any other form of literature while teaching us to recognize errors and making us “wise unto salvation” (2 Timothy 3:15).

We meet for an hour once a week (in person) to share and discuss what we have learned, while we unravel the more intricate details of the literature books and search the Scriptures, to compare what we are reading to the truth of God’s Word.

Students should expect to spend 30 minutes a day reading Bible, worldview and literature books and answering questions which need to be done and uploaded in preparation for class discussion

Course Credit: One theology credit when combined with Catechism and Inductive study, and one English credit if taken with TOG year 2 writing, or IEW Medieval writing.

Textbooks required:

– TOG Year 2 Dialectic Full Rack Student Spools.

– The Church in History, BK Kuiper

– Literature books on the reading list (Hard copies or Kindle account)

Additional Resource:

ToG Y2 Dialectic Primary Worldview Booklist

Assessments: Four exams per annum, and continual assessments of weekly assignments and class participation.

TOG Year 2 Upper Grammar History & Worldview 2025

Tapestry of Grace is a Christian classical humanities curriculum that includes Charlotte Mason elements and a mixture of modalities (visual, kinesthetic, and auditory) to engage all different kinds of learners. This K-12 program includes student and teacher materials for the core courses of History and English (including Writing and Literature). It also offers elective studies (at age-appropriate levels) in Geography, Fine Arts, Church History, Government, and Philosophy. All subjects are integrated around a chronological study of history.

The name of the curriculum comes from the imagery of weaving a Tapestry. As founding author Marcia Somerville described it,” All of us are in history; we are all making it in this moment. History is God’s story of our lives, and the lives of many other people, all of whom He has created and called by name over the centuries for His own purposes, to give Him glory. He is the designer of a beautiful tapestry: time is the loom, creation is the warp, and human experiences are the threads. Each of us has a section of the tapestry to weave, and none of us sees the finished project here on Earth. We work from the back of the tapestry, according to a cartoon (an outline drawing, designed by the Master Weaver, that dictates our pattern) and without seeing the front, or finished side. We all choose our cartoon, our pattern. For all biblical Christians, that pattern is seen in God’s Word and Jesus’ life. God promises Christians that they are weaving a tapestry of grace and glory according to His will.”

This year, we will be doing Tapestry of Grace’s Year Two, which will take us from the Fall of Rome in 476 A.D. up to the year 1800 A.D. in four units of nine weeks on average.

In Unit 1, we will study the Middle Ages, from the twilight of the Roman Empire to the early lights of the Reformation.

In Unit 2, we will study the Renaissance and Reformation, by looking at topics like the Spanish, French, American, Dutch, and German reformers in a historical context.

In Unit 3, we will study the discovery of the Western Hemisphere and the early history of America, colonization, the Puritans and so forth.

In Unit 4, we will see how the American Colonies became the United States of America, in the context of what was happening in the rest of the world.

The Upper Grammar class will be studying this historical timeline using the subjects of History, Geography, Fine arts, activities and worldview. The aim is to make lapbooks of their history studies. The children will be required to read the prescribed Weft chapter at home, and then record their insights on ‘mini-books’ which will form part of the year-long lapbooks they will compile. Class time will be spent on discussions and activities

Student Preparation: Read the Weft chapter at home, with optional Story of the World, Kindle books and videos for enrichment. Complete the 2 or 3 mini books, and the worldview questions from the book “Trial & Triumph”.

Required Textbooks Needed:

– TOG Upper Grammar Full Rack Spool

– Weft audio or Companion reader.

– Trial & Triumph by Richard Hannula

Additional Resources: Story of the World Volume 3 & 4 by Susan Wise Bauer

TOG Year 2 Lower Grammar History Activity 2025

Tapestry of Grace is a Christian classical humanities curriculum that includes Charlotte Mason elements and a mixture of modalities (visual, kinesthetic, and auditory) to engage all different kinds of learners. This K-12 program includes student and teacher materials for the core courses of History and English (including Writing and Literature). It also offers elective studies (at age-appropriate levels) in Geography, Fine Arts, Church History, Government, and Philosophy. All subjects are integrated around a chronological study of history.

The name of the curriculum comes from the imagery of weaving a Tapestry. As founding author Marcia Somerville described it,” All of us are in history; we are all making it in this moment. History is God’s story of our lives, and the lives of many other people, all of whom He has created and called by name over the centuries for His own purposes, to give Him glory. He is the designer of a beautiful tapestry: time is the loom, creation is the warp, and human experiences are the threads. Each of us has a section of the tapestry to weave, and none of us sees the finished project here on Earth. We work from the back of the tapestry, according to a cartoon (an outline drawing, designed by the Master Weaver, that dictates our pattern) and without seeing the front, or finished side. We all choose our cartoon, our pattern. For all biblical Christians, that pattern is seen in God’s Word and Jesus’ life. God promises Christians that they are weaving a tapestry of grace and glory according to His will.”

This year, we will be doing Tapestry of Grace’s Year Two, which will take us from the Fall of Rome in 476 A.D. up to the year 1800 A.D. in four units of nine weeks on average.

In Unit 1, we will study the Middle Ages, from the twilight of the Roman Empire to the early lights of the Reformation.

In Unit 2, we will study the Renaissance and Reformation, by looking at topics like the Spanish, French, American, Dutch, and German reformers in a historical context.

In Unit 3, we will study the discovery of the Western Hemisphere and the early history of America, colonization, the Puritans and so forth.

In Unit 4, we will see how the American Colonies became the United States of America, in the context of what was happening in the rest of the world.

The Lower Grammar History Activity Class will study these exciting topics in history by doing hands-on activities. Has your child ever made a coat of arms or a hand-coloured calligraphy letter? Would he like to learn how to make a salt map or a model Viking village? Would she like to make a princess costume or learn to knit? How do your children feel about model castles or playing Capture the Flag? In this course, they will explore all kinds of crafts and activities designed to help bring history to life for them! And you as parents don’t have to plan the activity and clean up the mess at home every week. You get to share the load on a roster with all of the parents who have children in the class.

Student Preparation: This course will be shared on Google Classroom, and teaching of the topic will be done by using the TOG Fine Arts and Activities Spool, Weft Audio/Weft Intro’s Reader, Story of the World chapter, or Videos. Each parent can choose the curriculum to fit their child’s unique learning style to prepare their children for class.

Required Textbooks Needed:

– Tapestry of Grace LG Full Rack Spool

– Tapestry of Grace Weft Audio OR Weft Intro’s Reader

Additional Resources: Story of the World Volume 3 & 4 by Susan Wise Bauer

Literature Reading Competition (Lower Grammar)

Tapestry of Grace is a Christian classical humanities curriculum that includes Charlotte Mason elements and a mixture of modalities (visual, kinesthetic, and auditory) to engage all different kinds of learners. This K-12 program includes student and teacher materials for the core courses of History and English (including Writing and Literature). It also offers elective studies (at age-appropriate levels) in Geography, Fine Arts, Church History, Government, and Philosophy. All subjects are integrated around a chronological study of history.

The name of the curriculum comes from the imagery of weaving a Tapestry. As founding author Marcia Somerville described it,” All of us are in history; we are all making it in this moment. History is God’s story of our lives, and the lives of many other people, all of whom He has created and called by name over the centuries for His own purposes, to give Him glory. He is the designer of a beautiful tapestry: time is the loom, creation is the warp, and human experiences are the threads. Each of us has a section of the tapestry to weave, and none of us sees the finished project here on Earth. We work from the back of the tapestry, according to a cartoon (an outline drawing, designed by the Master Weaver, that dictates our pattern) and without seeing the front, or finished side. We all choose our cartoon, our pattern. For all biblical Christians, that pattern is seen in God’s Word and Jesus’ life. God promises Christians that they are weaving a tapestry of grace and glory according to His will.”

This year, we will be doing Tapestry of Grace’s Year Two, which will take us from the Fall of Rome in 476 A.D. up to the year 1800 A.D. in four units of nine weeks on average.

In Unit 1, we will study the Middle Ages, from the twilight of the Roman Empire to the early lights of the Reformation.

In Unit 2, we will study the Renaissance and Reformation, by looking at topics like the Spanish, French, American, Dutch, and German reformers in a historical context.

In Unit 3, we will study the discovery of the Western Hemisphere and the early history of America, colonization, the Puritans and so forth.

In Unit 4, we will see how the American Colonies became the United States of America, in the context of what was happening in the rest of the world.

The Lower Grammar class will be reading living books that correspond with our historical timeline. History will come alive as we dive into the stories of how God allowed events to unfold in His beautiful creation.

Required Textbook Needed:

Tapestry of Grace LG Full Rack Spool

Tapestry of Grace Literature Reader

IEW Adventures in Writing Grades 3-5 

What is IEW?

IEW provides English writing courses which train students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers.

Using the four language arts — listening, speaking, reading, and writing — IEW methods have been proven to be effective for students of all ages and levels of ability, including those who are gifted, have special needs, or are English language learners.*

Listen. Speak. Read. Write. Think!

Adventures in Writing

‘Explore a wide variety of fascinating subjects in Adventures in Writing! In this theme-based writing curriculum, students write about adventurous topics such as Roman hoplites, tornadoes, Leif Eriksson, and other interesting subjects while they learn to write with the Structure and Style® writing method.’


Covering a years worth of instruction the lessons in this course cover seven of the nine IEW units namely, note making and outlines, writing from notes, retelling narrative stories, summarizing a reference, writing from pictures, summarizing multiple references and inventive writing.

Time and attention are also given to proper punctuation, correct spelling and increasing vocabulary, all of which are paramount in learning to write proficiently.

“Adventures in Writing” is well suited for grade 3 learners or those new to IEW’s structure and style writing method.

Students will be given weekly writing assessments on a Friday and will need complete it during the week, unless indicated otherwise.

Required Student Workbook:

IEW Adventures in Writing (Student Workbook)

IEW Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons Grades 6-10 

What is IEW?

IEW provides English writing courses which train students to become confident and competent communicators and thinkers.

Using the four language arts — listening, speaking, reading, and writing — IEW methods have been proven to be effective for students of all ages and levels of ability, including those who are gifted, have special needs, or are English language learners.*

Listen. Speak. Read. Write. Think!

Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons

Knights, Vikings, kings, and famous men of the Middle Ages come to life as students embark on a writing adventure, being equipped with the necessary skills to improve their writing capabilities as well as to enjoy writing.

The Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons, written by Lori Verstegen, will enrich students’ learning as we cover units 1–9 during the course of the year. Students begin by analysing and imitating existing good writing. Then through a series of incremental steps, they develop the ability to write their own original compositions. This writing course, aimed at grade 6-8 students, will have the students learn the IEW structural models of taking notes, retelling narrative stories, summarising references, writing from pictures, and summarising multiple references as well as inventive writing, formal essays and a formal critique. We will also cover stylistic techniques including, but not limited to, strong verbs, quality adjectives, and sentence openers. Students will gradually move from basic to a variety of sentence structures, improving their vocabulary and developing more sophisticated writing skills.

Course Credit: No credit for Middle School. If taken in conjunction with the English Worldview and Literature class, one honours credit for English for High School Students.

Class Time: In our weekly class the teacher will introduce concepts, work with the class to create a keyword outline (KWO) and help the students understand their assignment for the week. Students will hand in a Final Draft to be marked and edited by the teacher according to the checklist. They will then have a chance to polish their work.

What is expected at home? Students will be expected to complete homework tasks each week and hand them in on time. Unless otherwise indicated, marking/editing of the homework will be done by the facilitator.

Required Student Workbook:

IEW Medieval History-Based Writing Lessons 5th Edition

TOG History Based Writing Lessons Grades 6-12 

(to be combined with Ancient History Based Literature for 1 High School English Credit)

(must be taken in conjunction with TOG Dialectic History & Worldview)

This exciting course for students grades 6-12 will build on the principles laid down by the Institute for Excellence in Writing. Instead of writing based on short source texts in the student manual, the students will have the whole scope of their history readings as a source from which to synthesize and write different responses. Through practice, students will add a variety of Graphic Organizers to their pre-writing toolkit. In our weekly class, the teacher will introduce each new genre using the Writing Aids textbook and Talking Points. She will also give students feedback through detailed grading rubrics. Parents are responsible to help students complete their assignments and submit them on Canvas and keep their work organized. Make sure you make time to read and celebrate their completed work!

A few subjects covered in Dialectic Writing Aids:

Analytical Essays


Literary Analysis

Interview Reports

Narrative Writing

Descriptive Writing

And much more!

Homework can be completed in about two hours per week.

A sample Homework Assignment from Week 12 (TOG Y2):

1) Print and read the Talking Points in Writing Aids or your handbook about personal commentary, another form of persuasive writing.

2) Try writing a personal commentary on something from your life, or on one of these topics from your history studies:

  • An aspect of Renaissance art that interests you
  • The Life of an Explorer For Me: Inspiration (or lessons) from the life of Columbus (consider his patience, his persistence, his love for God, but also his self-love as expressed in selfish ambition)

3) File your paper under “Completed Work” in your Grammar and Composition Notebook.

4) Do any writing worksheet(s) that your teacher gives you.

Required Curriculum:

  • Tapestry of Grace Y2 Dialectic Student Full Rack 2021 Edition (student worksheets used for History, Worldview, Geography, & Writing)
  • Writing Aids Handbook Dialectic Student (if not bought previously)

Apologia Exploring Creation with Earth Design 2025

This course is designed to help the student explore, understand and enjoy the beauty of our planet, Earth using a variety of activities like reading, interactive questions and links, experiments and helpful videos. The material is presented in such a way that makes it fairly easy for kids to gain a good understanding of the topics covered in the book and the accompanying notebooking journal helps to establish the facts firmly in the minds of the student.

There are 14 lessons in this book. Each lesson will be covered over a period of 2 weeks. After every 2nd lesson, we have a built-in review week, in which we will have a combination of review games and experiments/activities.

Each student will have a Notebooking Journal that accompanies the textbook. At the end of each week, there will be various note booking activities assigned to the students to complete. This includes various assignments like crossword puzzles, drawing diagrams, copy work etc. You will find these notebooking activities to be important tools for providing a record of progress and learning.It is highly recommended that the student follows the timetable that the facilitators have designed in order to finish these notebooking activities in a timely manner and also that they can be prepared for the in-person class on a Friday.

Required Textbook Needed:

Apologia Exploring Creation with Earth Design Textbook

– Apologia Exploring Creation with Earth Design Notebooking Journal

Apologia Exploring Creation with Physical Science 2025

This is a 16 module physical science course that covers air, atmosphere, water, hydrosphere, earth and space, weather, physics, forces, waves and sound, light, and astrophysics. Each module will be covered over 2 weeks with a corresponding experiment the first week. The module test will be completed after the second lesson.

This course is designed to be the last science course the student takes before high school biology. There are many hands-on experiments to do, and they all use household chemicals and supplies. It is an excellent course for preparing the student to take a college-prep high school science curriculum.

The 2 Week Model:

The first week we will read the module, understand the experiment by filling in a lab report, and work on the module questions.

The second week we will review the module, the questions and prepare for the test.

Required Textbooks Needed:

Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 2nd Edition by Jay L Wile and Marilyn F. Durnell.

Additional Resources:

– Solutions and Tests For Exploring Creation with Physical Science, 2nd Edition by Jay L Wile and Marilyn F. Durnell.


– Class Attendance 5%

– Relevant Class Participation 15%

– Lab Reports 20%

– Module Tests 30%

– Quarterly Exams 30%

Berean Builders Discover Design with Biology

Discovering Design with Biology is a laboratory-based high school biology course is the first biology course a college-bound student should take. It gives the student an introduction to how living organisms are designed, how they interact with one another, and how they interact with their physical environment. Students are taught how biologists classify life, the chemical processes that make life possible, the structures of RNA and DNA, and the designs of the different cells found in living organisms. Students also learn the means by which photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and cellular reproduction occur. They then learn the current state of biotechnology. With the molecular and cellular basis of life covered, the students are then given a survey of the different kinds of organisms found in nature: archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi, invertebrates, vertebrates, and plants. The students then learn the biogeochemical cycles that keep environments hospitable to life, which leads to a discussion of ecosystems. Throughout the course, students see that life is the result of design and that organisms have been given the ability to adapt to their surroundings. In addition, they learn various problems associated with the modern evolutionary synthesis.

The course consists of 180 hours of instruction, 40 of which involve hands-on experiments. The experiments include extracting DNA from fruit, examining the effects of temperature and pH on enzymes, exploring osmosis and diffusion, building a pedigree, culturing bacteria, growing and examining fungi, and analyzing the structure of a feather. In addition, there are several experiments that explore the microscopic world, including identifying the stages of mitosis, studying live bacteria that were cultured by the student, identifying budding in yeast, and analyzing the microscopic structure of plants and animals. There are also four dissection experiments: the earthworm, crayfish, fish, and frog.

There are three types of experiments; household item, dissection, and microscope.

To give a lab credit you must do all the household and either the dissection or microscope experiments. To give an honors credit you must do all three types of experiments.

Course Credit: One credit with an Honours Option available

Required Textbooks Needed:

Discovering Design with Biology Textbook by Dr. J. Wile

– Student Workbook (Free download on Berean Builders’ website Student Workbook)

Additional Resources:

Recorded Classes (Discovering Design Biology Recorded Classes)

– Solutions and Tests manual


Module tests, lab reports, class participation and quarterly exams.